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Documents and Downloads

Special Agent Document Library

Find all the documents and downloads you need to apply for the special agent position, prepare for our assessments, or review our current policies.



This is your central location to find answers to all your questions, download forms and guides, and watch instructional videos to help you apply to be an FBI special agent.

Start here with our Special Agents FAQ (PDF).

Special Agents FAQ

Technical Requirements

We recommend using a computer to access fillable PDF forms and Word documents.

Stack of papers bound by binder clips

Application Documents

Special agent applications must include a set of standardized federal application forms. If you are a current federal employee or a veteran, you may be required to include additional forms with your application. You can find all the forms and guidance you need below.

All You Need to Know to Apply (PDF)

The official guide to the special agent application process.

Application Guide

Core Competencies (PDF)

These specialized traits represent the knowledge, skills, and abilities all of our employees are expected to cultivate and apply to their important work in fulfilling our mission.

Core Competencies

Federal Resume Guide (PDF)

Outline of documentation you will must provide in your special agent application.

Resume Guide

Federal Resume Template (DOCX)

The required resume template for all federal job applications.

Resume Template

Additional Application Forms

SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action form

For applicants with current or prior federal work experience.


DD-214, Member 4 copy or Service 2 copy or Statement of Service

Required for current or former members of the armed forces. Documents can be requested from Veterans Affairs (VA) or your military branch.

Request DD-214

SF-15 10-Point Veteran Preference form or VA letter, dated within one year

Required for disabled veterans, in addition to the DD-214 or Statement of Service.

SF-15 Form (PDF)

Female in the library studying from booklet

Test Preparation

We do not endorse any test preparation materials beyond what can be found on FBIJobs.gov.

Testing Overview (PDF)

Detailed guidance on everything you can expect for Phase I, Phase II, and the Physical Fitness Test (PFT).

Testing Overview

PFT Training Tips (PDF)

Find tips to help you build skills and strengthen the muscle groups essential to passing the four mandatory sections of the PFT.

PFT Training Tips


Whether you’re an aspiring special agent hoping to see if you have what it takes or a fitness enthusiast curious about the training, this mobile application helps you learn the benchmarks of our official PFT.

IOS (App Store)

Android (Google Play)

Basic Field Training Course (PDF)

The Basic Field Training Course (BFTC) is designed to train new special agents and intelligence analysts together, preparing them for collaborative work in the field.

BFTC Guide


Become A Special Agent

Our special agents have a range of backgrounds, education, and skill sets that collectively allow us to stay ahead of threats. Special agents have the drive and leadership skills to take on new challenges and protect their communities.