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Intelligence Careers at the FBI

Intelligence Analysts

Our intelligence analysts work closely with special agents and partners throughout the Intelligence Community to consolidate valuable information into strategic, analytic intelligence. They are our first line of defense in identifying and understanding threats and vulnerabilities.


  • Generate intelligence products with significant impact
  • Engagement opportunities with local, state, territorial, and international partners
  • Extensive on-the-job career-enhancing training opportunities
Colleagues looking at and pointing at computer screen.


Intelligence analysts are critical to our ability to proactively mitigate risks. They analyze information and allow us to understand, mitigate, and neutralize threats. Intelligence analysts engage in work ranging from counterterrorism to organized crime, and beyond.

Career Paths

All intelligence analysts must perform at least one of the five analytic or raw reporting functions listed below. As an intelligence analyst, you may be placed into a more specific role that has additional responsibilities.

  • Threat Analysis assesses and communicates real-time analytic judgments regarding specific threats and intelligence gaps.
  • Collection Management enhances our intelligence collection capabilities and disseminate raw intelligence against priority collection requirements and intelligence gaps.
  • Domain Analysis consolidates comprehensive information into strategic analytic products that contextualize intelligence and enhance our understanding of threats, gaps, and vulnerabilities.
  • Targeting Analysis shares collected information across teams that identify gaps while ensuring timely and accurate reporting of intelligence.​
  • Reports Officer reports raw intelligence in a timely manner through various forms of media, documents, and general information to determine patterns.

Staff Operations Specialist/Tactical Specialist

For Current FBI Employees Only

Staff operations specialist/tactical specialist (SOS/TS) provide tactical analysis to operational personnel in support of FBI investigations. They work alongside intelligence analysts and special agents and provide mission-critical contributions to the FBI. 



Intelligence Analyst Careers

Small group of males and females sitting around a table having a conversation

Selection and Hiring Process

We recruit and hire intelligence analysts at all career levels, from recent college graduates to experienced professionals. Education and experience requirements are different depending on the intelligence analyst role and position grade.

You will be evaluated against our Core Competencies (PDF) throughout the process. These eight specialized traits represent the knowledge, skills, and abilities all of our employees are expected to cultivate and apply to their important work in fulfilling our mission.

IA Candidate Guide

  1. Application & Screening
    You must attach all necessary forms (as listed in the vacancy announcement) to your application. Applications are screened for eligibility and suitability.
  2. Phase I Test
    Phase I is conducted online and is a multiple-choice assessment of your analytic thinking, logical reasoning, and personal experiences. 
  3. Phase II Test
    Phase II is a timed writing assessment that simulates the intelligence analyst’s role in reviewing intelligence and preparing intelligence products.
  4. Phase III Interview
    Phase III is a structured interview to assess your communication, analytic thinking, organization, planning, and interpersonal skills.
  5. Conditional Job Offer (CJO)
    After passing all three phases, you will be considered eligible to receive a Conditional Job Offer for employment as an intelligence analyst. The CJO will include your position title, GS pay grade, and salary. Conditional Job Offers are contingent upon: signing the FBI mobility agreement, a favorable decision in the background investigation process, budgetary requirements, and meeting the critical skills needed by the FBI.
  6. Background Investigation
    The background investigation includes a Personnel Security Interview (PSI), polygraph examination, drug test, and fingerprinting. It also includes credit and arrest checks, interviews with associates and references, and verification of educational achievements.
  7. ONE Seminar
    All new or current employees with the FBI, regardless of job or duty station, attend a four-day Onboarding New Employee (ONE) seminar at the FBI Academy in Quantico, VA, during their first week. This includes learning about the FBI’s mission, history, structure, and culture; briefings on ethics, security, and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO); a tour of Quantico; and opportunities to begin developing an FBI network. The FBI’s Leadership Doctrine is emphasized as well.
  8. Basic Field Training Course

    Upon successful completion of the background investigation, you will be scheduled for a 12-week Basic Field Training Course (BFTC) at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, to begin training as New Intelligence Analyst Trainees (NIATs).

    The BFTC is designed to train new special agents and intelligence analysts together, preparing them for collaborative work in the field.

    The Academy
  9. Career Placement

    Upon successful completion of the background investigation and BFTC, you will officially join the FBI as an intelligence analyst. New intelligence analysts may be placed either at HQ or in a specific field office. Placement is at the discretion of the FBI and based on FBI needs at that time.

    Field Office Locations
Two men working on a server cabinet while examining information on a laptop

Related Opportunities


Professionals interested in data intelligence and forensics may also be interested in a STEM career with the FBI.


Special Agents

Intelligence professionals also have opportunities to experience a variety of careers within the FBI, including our special agent position.

Special Agents