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Science and Medicine

STEM at the FBI

Science and Medicine Careers

Science and medicine careers at the FBI leverage cutting-edge technology and methodologies to provide a meaningful impact to national security and local communities.

A female scientist working in a lab coat


Our scientists and medical professionals use cutting-edge techniques and advanced technologies to support FBI personnel to advance the mission. Their medical assessments are crucial to maintaining a healthy workforce, and their scientific assessments, interpretations, and trial testimonies are pivotal to the FBI’s investigative success.

Examples of Science and Medicine Roles

  • Biologists analyze DNA from body-fluid stains and other biological tissues recovered from items of evidence.
  • Chemists provide analytical and comparison services in one or more specialized disciplines, such as toxicology, paints and polymers, explosives, fire debris, and chemical warfare agents.
  • Physical scientists extract and preserve evidence in multiple disciplines, like trace evidence, latent fingerprints, or firearms/toolmarks.
  • Occupational Health Nurses (PDF) assess and treat the routine and emergency health care needs of our workforce, facilitate Fitness-for-Duty examinations, and maintain quality control measures.

Ranked #10Most attractive employer in the U.S. for Natural Science Students 

Two women talking and smiling

Qualifications and Eligibility

Minimum Qualifications

For most science positions, you must have one of the following:

  • A bachelor’s degree or higher from a U.S. accredited college or university in a biological science, chemistry, engineering, forensic science, physical science, life science, mathematics, or a related field.
  • A combination of education and experience with course work equivalent to a major mentioned above. Some positions require completion of 24-30 course hours equivalent to a major mentioned above, plus additional education or appropriate experience.

For nursing roles, you must have the following:

  • A passing score on the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX)
  • An active and unrestricted license as a Registered Nurse (RN) in a state, District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or a territory of the United States
  • Two to five years of experience as an RN in the emergency room or intensive care, medical/surgical, or occupational health units, with specialized experience equivalent to the GS-12 level

Note: Qualifications and requirements may vary. For a complete list, please reference a specific job listing.


In addition to job-specific qualifications, you must meet all FBI eligibility requirements.


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A man working on a laptop in a public setting

Hiring Process

The hiring process consists of multiple phases. The first step is to visit our application portal and create a profile.

Create a Profile

For more information and to see the process in detail, visit the hiring process section on our Eligibility and Hiring page.

Hiring Process

Woman in FBI jacket working at computer

Related Opportunities


Professionals interested in an investigative career path may also be interested in a forensics career with the FBI.


Special Agents

Law enforcement professionals also have opportunities to experience a variety of careers within the FBI, including our special agent position.

Special Agents