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STEM at the FBI

Technology Careers

As technology becomes increasingly integrated into our lives, it is critical that the FBI stays at the forefront of technological expertise to remain ahead of the threat.

A woman fixing a computer hard drive


Our technology careers are the backbone of many key functions relating to security, system capabilities, and the investigative work at the FBI. Technology professionals keep the nation's computer networks and systems safe, defeat malware attacks, investigate major computer intrusions, and root out international espionage. They apply their knowledge of computer technology, cyber security, electronic surveillance, encryption, and forensic science to safeguard information across the globe.

Examples of Technology Roles

Ranked #16Most attractive employer in the U.S. for Computer Science Students 

Two women interviewing a man

Qualifications and Eligibility

Minimum Qualifications

For most technology positions, you must have one of the following:

  • A bachelor’s degree or higher from a U.S. accredited college or university in computer science, engineering, information science, information systems management, mathematics, operations research, statistics, technology management, or a related field.
  • A combination of education and experience with course work equivalent to a major mentioned above. Some positions require completion of 24-30 course hours equivalent to a major mentioned above, plus additional education or appropriate experience.

Note: Qualifications and requirements may vary. For a complete list, please reference a specific job listing.


In addition to job-specific qualifications, you must meet all FBI eligibility requirements.


Featured Special Program

Data Analytics Support Hub (DASH)

FBI data analysts and data scientists have the opportunity to receive support, mentorship, and an annual training stipend from the FBI Data Analytics Support Hub (DASH) program. This program is available to all data analysts and data scientists entering the FBI at any career level.

Join the FBI Talent Network

Create a profile to receive career opportunities and updates.

A man and a woman with a prosthetic arm working at a computer

Hiring Process

The hiring process consists of multiple phases. The first step is to visit our application portal and create a profile.

Create a Profile

For more information and to see the process in detail, visit the hiring process section on our Eligibility and Hiring page.

Hiring Process

A woman cutting wood in a workshop

Related Opportunities

Skilled Trades

Professionals interested in facilities management may also be interested in a skilled trades career with the FBI.

Skilled Trades


Our engineers work with advanced technologies to address unique investigations and intelligence challenges not typically found in the private sector.
