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Eligibility and Hiring

What it takes to join the FBI

There are specific eligibility requirements to join the FBI. Those who complete the process become part of a dedicated team that keeps our country safe.​


  • Be a U.S citizen
  • Have no criminal record
  • Adhere to FBI drug policy
  • Complete hiring process that can take up to a year
Female FBI employee standing behind a glass door with FBI Seal printed on it

FBI Eligibility

To be eligible for employment, you must adhere to the following guidelines prior to application consideration:

  • Be a U.S. citizen
  • Public record must be in good standing with no felony convictions
  • Adherence with FBI drug policy
  • Pass urinalysis and background investigation
  • Student loan repayments must be in good standing
  • Filed all required annual federal, state, and local taxes
  • Current on court ordered child support payments
  • No engagement with organizations designed to overthrow the U.S. government
  • Register with the Selective Service System (for applicants who were assigned male at birth only, exceptions apply)

        Selective Service System

For more details, including the drug policy, please download the FBI Eligibility document.

FBI Eligibility

Special Agent Eligibility

Special agents require additional qualifications. For more information, visit the eligibility section on the Application and Evaluation page.

SA Eligibility

Veterans' Preference

We strongly encourage military service members and veterans to apply. Veterans who apply may be eligible for Veterans’ Preference.

For more information, visit our military and veterans page.

Military and Veterans

Male sitting down at a desk typing on laptop

Hiring Process

We strive to provide a seamless hiring and onboarding process. Here is what you can expect in each phase:

  1. Application Submission

    Explore careers and apply to a position.

    Apply Now
  2. Eligibility and Qualification Review
    An HR specialist reviews your application to determine your eligibility.
  3. Interview and Testing
    An applicant coordinator schedules your interview. Some specialized career paths may require additional assessments.
  4. Conditional Job Offer (CJO)
    After passing interviews and applicable assessments, receive a conditional offer for FBI employment.
  5. Background Investigation
    Complete a background investigation, including a polygraph, to receive an FBI Top Secret Security Clearance.
  6. Final Job Offer
    After successfully completing a background investigation, you are eligible to receive a final job offer.
  7. Entrance on Duty (EOD) Date Scheduled
    An HR specialist schedules your first day at the FBI. You will attend orientation at FBI Quantico.

Find a Recruiter and Set Up Job Alerts

Reach out to a recruiter at your local field office, or sign up to receive job alerts when new listings are posted.

Find your field office

Set Up Job Alerts

Hiring of Persons with Disabilities

We provide reasonable accommodations for qualified applicants with disabilities. For more information, please visit our persons with disabilities page.

Persons with Disabilities


Application Documents

Core Competencies (PDF)

These specialized traits represent the knowledge, skills, and abilities all of our employees are expected to cultivate and apply to their important work in fulfilling our mission.

Core Competencies

Federal Resume Guide (PDF)

Outline of documentation you will need to provide in your application.

Resume Guide

Federal Resume Template (DOCX)

The required resume template for all federal job applications.

Resume Template

Additional Application Forms

SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action form

For applicants with current or prior federal work experience.


DD-214, Member 4 copy or Service 2 copy or Statement of Service

Required for current or former members of the armed forces. You can request documents from Veterans Affairs (VA) or your military branch.

Request DD-214

SF-15 10-Point Veteran Preference form or VA letter, dated within one year

Required for disabled veterans, in addition to the DD-214 or Statement of Service.

SF-15 Form (PDF)